Saturday, July 13, 2013

Day 6 - Wedding Day

breakfast/reception area in the Lodge
Katrina, Andria, B, and C, were up early making pancakes, eggs, sausages, and reheating leftover biscuits from the rehearsal dinner last night.  We also put out supplies so guests could pack bag lunches and go off exploring the Medicine Bow National Forest while the caterer started work in the kitchen and last minute preparations were being made for the wedding.

After we cleaned up and made our own lunches, my family and my cousin's family drove the 5 minutes further up the mountains to see what we could find.  At 10,800 ft we found boundless beauty and snow.  We ate our lunches with majestic lakes and mountains in the background and then an obligatory snowball fight ensued with me being the primary target :)
We couldn't spend too much time exploring as we had to be back at the lodge to get the girls ready for the wedding (they were bubble girls), but we knew we would have to come back here before we left the area.
The wedding was fantastic.  The chapel and benches were all made out of fallen pine trees.  The weather was perfect.  Overall a success.
Guests from Baton Rouge
Christina has a lot of wonderful friends that played a part in the wedding.  She had a friend officiate, another made the cake, another read at the wedding and another took pictures.  I'm sure there are others I am forgetting.  They were fun to party with too.
After the wedding, there was a reception, dinner, smore's and dancing into the night.   Then cleanup/dismantling as we had to be out of the lodge by 10am the next day.

car top carrier at 2 miles high

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Looks like our car top carrier is having a great time! :)