Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 10 - Yellowstone Cont'd

Maybe this is why it takes so
long to get going in the morning?
Woke up, breakfasted, and vowed to pack faster but we were still on the road at 10am.  We decided to go around the east side of the southern loop and up the west side of the northern loop and exit out the north entrance.  We thought we would be able to see most of yellowstone in a couple days but I believe it would take at least a week to do justice to everything Yellowstone has to offer.

Something cool about boiling mud.
Saw some mud pots, paintpots, hiked to a waterfall at the grand canyon of yellowstone, and saw some more mud pots and some wildlife then it was off to ??? (we didn't have a solid plan past this point :)  While driving through Yellowstone it was neat to see how the ecology changed as we headed north.  Evidence of the massive wildfires from 1988 were everywhere but the forest recovered with new growth trees everywhere.

 We stopped and ate dinner in Bozeman and decided at that time to grab a hotel in Butte for the night to restore our energy.  Some quick pricelining yielded us a room at a reasonable price.  The family voted to push on tomorrow to our final destination of Discovery Bay, WA (hence forth referred to as "the beach") instead of stopping at Mt. St. Helens or Ranier for a couple days.  Our recent experiences have taught us that we really need to spend more than a night or two in a spot to begin to really explore that location.  We might go camping in the Olympics while staying at "the beach".  I want to camp close to a flowing river for a night or two, not sure why, just seems like it would be fun.

Lots of Bison, Deer, and Elk
Waterfall at the canyon.

Almost forgot the gratuitous
car top carrier shot!

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