Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Day 15,16,17, 18 - The Spell

There is something about beach life I just can't put my finger on.  Once you are here, you don't want to leave, not even to go on small excursions, which doesn't bode well for all the plans we had to visit places while at the beach. :)  Before you know it, you have been here a week wondering where all the time went.  It is a wonderful way to live.

The kids are totally in love with the place.  Once they eventually wake up, they are hopping to run down the hill to Great Grandma's house.  Over the last few days they made cookies with my Aunt Donna, did lots more kayaking, swimming, jumping off the dock, fishing, playing in the sand, roasting smores, and watching some TV with Great Grandma.

Katrina and I went to Port Townsend for a few hours and walked around the city, visited a nice bakery, checked out chezemoka park, and had fish tacos at a taco stand in the marina.

On Day 17, we did manage an excursion to Ft. Flagler.  We packed a lunch and headed out to do some hiking around the island and follow up on a rumor that there are ripe blackberries to be picked near the Ft.  
Thanks to the fun beach and sand cliffs we didn't make it very far on the hike.  We did have a good view of Port Townsend and Admirality Inlet where the big ships come in.  At one point I saw what looked like a drone fly overhead, possibly from the airstrip at Whidbey Island or maybe a personal aircraft.  I didn't have enough time to get a picture before it was gone.  The blackberry picking didn't go well as we weren't adequately prepared.  I forgot that to pick wild blackberries you need long sleeves, pants, gloves, and insect repellent.  While there were some ripe berries, there weren't enough to justify the suffering so we abandond that mission.

Day 18 was more beach playing.  I had a project to repair the patio umbrella - the cord for opening it had broken.  In the afternoon I used my Aunt Penny's bike to bike the Larry Scott trail into Port Townsend.  The trail is well done and very scenic.  It's about 7 miles into town but its all downhill there and back ;-).  Got a good view of the PT paper mill and read a little about its history then started the climb back to Discovery Bay.

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