Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 12 - Ah, the beach.

The long drive yesterday was worth it.  What a day today.  The kids were up early and eager to head down to the beach.  My Aunt and Uncle and Grandmother had already moved back in to the beach house from wintering in Tacoma.  I am always amazed at how much nature changes things over time.  Having views of the beach every two years really makes the changes standout.  The levels of the sand, the number and size of rocks on the beach (and the increase in barnacles on the rocks), the amount of driftwood pushed up, the appearance or disappearance of jellyfish, crabs, bullheads, etc.
Sadly there are also the human-made changes - lots of trash in the water and on the sand.

 Cassie and Brianne made it their mission to clean up the beach and they did a great job.  C&B also took rapidly to the sea kayaks/stand up paddleboards (SUPs) and used their newfound SUP skills to help with the litter cleanup.  When I say "lot's of trash" I may be exaggerating.  I think anything more than zero is a lot :)
We were so absorbed in playing that I failed to take any pictures.  I think Kat took some on her phone but I don't have access to those yet. (ed: here you go. -Kat)

One of our favorite things to do at low tide is to make "streams" in the sand. Our first one this year was a rather larger engineering feat, with a series of terraced, cascading reservoirs. Can't wait for the next really low tide so we can do even better.

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