Saturday, July 13, 2013

Day 5 - The "Working" part of the adventure

Today is the day we head to the cabins at Snowy Mountain Lodge. We didn't want to leave our fantastic campsite in Vedauwoo but we had a new adventure waiting for us at 9000' so we packed up camp (it was windy) and took a last hike/climb on the rocks and hit the road for Laramie.

On the way we stopped at a grocery store to get 6 dozen eggs for the Saturday morning breakfast Katrina is in charge of cooking in the lodges full professional grade kitchen. Since we couldn't check into the cabins until 4pm, we used the time to unpack the truckloads of wedding supplies and started decorating for the rehearsal dinner and wedding reception.
The air pressure difference.
This bag was close to popping

 Since my brother and his bride met on the ski slopes the wedding theme was winter so the lodge was transformed into a winter wonderland (in July). The kids were excited when 4pm rolled around and we could check into the cabins. We were in a double-wide with my parents in one half. The two halves were separated by a door and each had a kitchen, bathroom, loft, and bedroom. B&C were bubble girls so we went off to the rehearsal at the newly built outdoor chapel. Afterwards we had a fantastic catered rehearsal dinner. (The caterer drove a refurbished ambulance). By the time we finished cleaning up and preparing for tomorrows festivities, it was pretty late and time for bed.

car top carrier shot
snowy mountain lodge
Side notes: 
There was a brief thunder/lightining storm that is apparently a frequent occurrence high up in the mountains. A young man named James came riding up to the lodge seeking shelter from the lightning. I had a brief conversation with him and discovered he was starting college next semester and that he was biking from Denver to Yellowstone.  Hope he made it.

The forests out west are being devastated by a pine beetle and the Lodge was required by the National Forest Service to cut down the dead trees before the cabins could be opened to guests. As a result the whole lodge area looked like a massive logging operation. Many of the smaller cabins had dead trees still laying on them. If interested, look up Snowy Mountain Lodge on the Internet to learn more about its strange past and current state.

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