Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 11 - The push west

Not a lot to report today.  We awoke with renewed energy and did get going before 10 for once getting on the road by 9:40am.  We had 10+ hours of driving today to get to the beach.  The drive was uneventful.  We stopped at a rest area in Idaho for lunch.  Free lemonade and cookies.  The restrooms were odd in that the stalls had no doors and everything was made of steel and welded in place. Perhaps to deter theft?  We caved to the kids and had dinner at a Burger King in Silverdale then we made it to my parent's house at the beach by about 9:30pm.

Near Snoqualmie pass, we encountered some constructions, with signs advising that there would be delays for rock blasting later that evening. We asked the kids if they would like to stick around for the explosions, but strangely, they preferred to continue on to the beach.

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