Sunday, August 4, 2013

Day 29 - Off to Pequot Lakes

We woke to the sound of thunder which spurred us to action.  We had the fastest pack up time ever at 45 minutes.  We were on the road early and the storm never really materialized.  After a couple hours of driving we made a stop at McDonalds. I'm not a fan, but on this trip I have become fond of their breakfast oatmeal plus we needed more monopoly game pieces.  :)

Dinner.  really?
My reputation preceded me.
Most of today was spent driving through North Dakota.  The signs of a modern day oil rush are everywhere.  Lot's of construction, hotels, houses, stores and billboards advertising refinery equipment.  Go Fracking!  We made lunch in the car as we drove and made it to Pequot lakes in time to have ice cream for dinner at the local ice cream store then arrived to a warm reception at the Smith/Dorn cabins around 7pm.

I like the Pequot lakes water tower.  Well done.

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